Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm a thinker!

So... it's snowing MOUNTAINS outside. No joke! It's ridiculous. This is when I wish I lived somewhere tropical, where this could never happen!
Especially in crazy amounts like this!

We would totally have been prepared for all of this snow if I wasn't such a thinker. Seriously, I thought I was being so rational this week while I was out shopping. I was browsing in the Target, looking through the snow pants, like I've been doing for the last couple of months. I said to myself "Self, go ahead. Buy them. She'll eventually need them." But then my "thinker" said "But who knows when it's actually going to snow. She'll grow out of them before she even gets to wear them. That's lame! Buy them when you know it's going to snow." So I put the pants back on the rack and moved on. Then I came to the snow boots. Same conversation... Then the snow shovels... same"ish" conversation...

If only I had paid any kind of attention to the weather, I would have known that we were expecting a huge snow storm this weekend. If only I wasn't such a thinker! haha

But we were going to fix my thinker problem. After the babies left last night we decided we'd head back over to the Target and get all that stuff before the first flake flew. I am not joking when I say it took us 45+ minutes for a usual 15 minute trip. (NO SNOW HAD FALLEN YET!!) To add to that, we got to the Target and it was bone dry! NO snow pants! NO boots! NO snow shovels! And NO Star Trek (that was going to be our consolation prize). We struck out! I STRUCK OUT! Why must I be such a thinker?! Boo.

Oh well. We got up this morning to snow. It has been snowing all day, non-stop. It's 5pm and there is no end in sight. I'm really hopeful the neighbor boy will stop by sometime tomorrow when it finally stops snowing and ask to shovel for us (we've been told he does that). I will tell you, I'm not going out for the next 48 hours. Anyone who wants me will just have to come to me.

Thank goodness I have everything I need here; one super hot man to keep me warm, one super spunky 7-year-old to keep me entertained and one container of peppermint hot chocolate (compliments of Eve) to keep me happy. Ah, maybe the snow isn't soooo bad.

(BTW the snowman is one my daddy and my nephew, Ammon, built a couple winters ago)


Eve said...

The snow is too wet to be outside in. It's beautiful to look out the window and watch--without going outside in it. We're eating oatmeal cookies, watching White Christmas! Wish you were here! Glad you're safe and happy.

Lindsey said...

Roonnate, you're shuch a shtinker. :)

Mari said...

So much for global warming! here in norway it usually snows for a couple of weeks, but its been snowing for almost 2 months now!
dont be such a thinker and follow my blog! Im def. a fan of urs